Squeeze the lemonade out of life!

“There aren’t many books that make you smile and nod in agreement from the first page, but this one does. In this book Jade Miller shares her wonderful insights, quirky sense of humour and creative activities that encourage you gently, kindly and compassionately to use all the magnificent lemons we get given, to help us make better sense of the absurdities we call life.”

Dr Jenny Brockis, Lifestyle Medicine Physician, Workplace Health and Wellbeing Consultant, bestselling author and award-winning speaker

From health diagnoses to horrible bosses, there’s no shortage of hard times and hot messes.

Making Lemonade is an antidote to an existential crisis. This slightly irreverent self-development guide holds relatable personal stories with practical pathways to managing the lemons that get pelted our way. This book is for anyone who's ever faced the paradoxes of life, sought meaning amidst the chaos, connection in isolation, and laughter in unexpected places. It’s a book about making the best out of this crazy life, through understanding ourselves, building connection and finding meaning in the absurdity.

Walking us through a journey from self-discovery to questioning existence, we will find ways to reconnect with ourselves, other people, and the world we live in to gain insight into our personal purpose.

Self awareness, relationships, communication and laughs are the keys to work and life success!

About Jade

Jade Miller is obsessed with understanding humans and connecting authentically with people. This shines through as her work as a communications consultant and visual artist who helps individuals with coaching, and businesses develop strategy and vision for purposeful contribution.

Skilled in visual thinking, strategic consulting and coaching, Jade uses her passion for communication and creativity to invite others find their own sense of purpose.

Having overcome huge life challenges including neurosurgery, chronic illness, divorce, and late diagnosis of Autism and ADHD, she is navigating life and business, keeping it real with a quirky sense of existential humour. 

The juice is always worth the squeeze, but how do you squeeze it in a way that feels just right for you?

In Making Lemonade, Jade’s personal anecdotes, experiences, and ideas will keep you engaged and uplifted, as she guides you on a journey of pragmatic self-discovery and growth. She keeps it real and so accessible, you’ll be thirsty for more!

Leanne Hughes, Author: The 2-Hour Workshop Blueprint, Keynote Speaker and Consultant

Making Lemonade is honest and vulnerable and reads like you’re hanging out with a great friend.  The real perspective and honesty that Jade shares in this book is so refreshing.  She doesn’t hold back in sharing her challenges which makes it so relatable and there are tangible, actionable steps to help you turn what life throws you into lemonade!

Deanne Gagnon, Podcast Host and Consultant: Workplaces that Work